For reagents, fly stocks, protocols and general enquires, here are our contact details:

California Institute of Technology
1200 E California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91125

Telephone: (626) 395-2341
Laboratory: (626) 395-4265

Professor David M. Glover –

Interested in joining us?

Are you passionate about cell biology, microscopy, and uncovering the intricate mechanisms governing cell proliferation and centriole biogenesis?

Laboratory Technician

We are currently looking for a Laboratory Technician to join our team! If you are interested in working with us, please check the position description and submit your application here.

Postdoctoral Researchers

We welcome applications from candidates who have recently completed their PhD and have a strong background in cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, or related fields. Please contact David Glover with a cover letter and contact information of at least two references.

Graduate Students

Our lab is always looking for motivated students who wish to pursue a research-focused graduate program. Graduate students will be involved in ongoing projects and encouraged to develop their own research questions related to the lab’s focus areas. Please apply to Caltech’s graduate studies run through the Biology and Biological Engineering (BBE) and the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE) divisions. Caltech students should reach out to David Glover to discuss potential research projects.